
Loans may be granted to members in good standing either for providential or productive purposes

Type of Loans

Fixed Deposit Term Loan (FD Term Loan)

  • Only ONE (1) loan of Fixed Deposit Term per Certificate of Time Deposit (CTD) shall be allowed and the maturity of the loan shall not be longer than the term of the deposit.

Regular loan (RL)

  • A member may avail of any number of regular or construction loans provided the total amount of such loans shall be within his/her share capital.

Special Contingency Loan (SCL)

  • The SCL shall be made available to members in good standing for any contingent or emergency expense or financial liability

Grocery Assistance Loan (GAL)

  • The grocery assistance loan shall be payable within one month with a ten-day grace period reckoned from and beyond the due date.

Construction Loan (CF)

  • A member may borrow the equivalent of the actual construction cost to be financed PROVIDED THAT an old member may borrow only up to THREE times (3x) and new members up to TWO times (2x) his/her Share Capital.

Preferred Member Loan (PML)

  • The PML is a type of loan extended to members who has never been in bad standing for the past three (3) years and has a minimum share capital to be determined by the Board. The PM may avail of the following loan packages based on his/her capacity to pay under conditions the following conditions

Petty Cash Loan (PCL)

  • New members may avail of maximum Petty Cash Loan (PCL) of One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (Php 1,500.00), while old members may avail of a maximum of Three Thousand Pesos (Php 3,000.00).

Special Loans

Special Loans & Other Loan Promos
Low Interest Rates

Tax Identification Promo (TIP Loan)

Capital Build-Up-Promo (CAP-BUILD)

Humanitarian Endeavor Loan Promo (HELPS)

Loans for Individuals & Family Members Mortuary Expenses (LIFE)

Survival & Recovery Loan Window (SURE-WIN)

Booster Shot Service Loan Promo (BOOST-LOAN)


Loan for Education Advancement & Development (LEAD)

MANNA-LOAN (For Agoo Satellite Only)


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